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Pokemon Let 39;s Go Pikachu Chinese Version Apk Download Free


Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu: A Classic Adventure Reimagined for the Switch

If you are a fan of the original Pokemon games, you will love Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, a remake of Pokemon Yellow that brings you back to the Kanto region with updated graphics, gameplay, and features. This game is available for the Nintendo Switch, but did you know that you can also play it on your Android device? In this article, we will show you how to download the Chinese version of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu on Android, what makes this game different from other Pokemon games, and some tips and tricks to master it.

How to Download the Chinese Version of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu on Android

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is not officially released for Android devices, but there is a way to play it using an APK file, which is an application package that contains all the files needed to run an app. However, you need to be careful when downloading APK files from unknown sources, as they may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device. Here are the steps to download the Chinese version of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu on Android safely:

pokemon let 39;s go pikachu chinese version apk download

  • Find a reliable APK download site. One example is , which offers a variety of games for Android devices, including Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu.

  • Download and install the APK file on your device. You may need to enable unknown sources in your settings to allow the installation of apps from outside the Google Play Store.

  • Launch the game and enjoy. You may need to change the language settings to English if you prefer.

Note that playing Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu on Android may not offer the same experience as playing it on the Switch, as some features may not work properly or require additional accessories. For example, you may not be able to use motion controls to catch Pokemon, or connect to other players online or locally. You may also encounter some bugs or glitches that affect the gameplay. Therefore, we recommend playing the game on the Switch if possible, as it is designed for that platform.

What Makes Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Different from Other Pokemon Games

Catching Pokemon with Motion Controls and Pokemon Go Elements

One of the biggest changes in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is how you catch Pokemon. Instead of encountering them randomly in tall grass or caves, you can see them roaming around in the overworld, and choose which ones you want to catch. You can also use motion controls with either a Joy-Con controller or a Poke Ball Plus accessory (sold separately) to mimic the action of throwing Poke Balls at them. The catching system is similar to that of , the popular mobile game that lets you catch Pokemon in the real world. You can also use your smartphone to connect to the game and transfer Pokemon from Pokemon Go to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu.

Exploring Kanto with Your Partner Pikachu and Ride Pokemon

In Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, you will have a special bond with your partner Pikachu, who will always stay by your side and interact with you in various ways. You can pet, feed, and dress up your Pikachu, and it will show its emotions and reactions through facial expressions and sounds. Your Pikachu will also help you in battles, as it can learn exclusive moves that are very powerful and have different effects depending on the situation. You can also access a secret technique menu that lets you use your Pikachu to cut down trees, surf on water, fly in the sky, and more.

Another cool feature of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is that you can ride on some of the Pokemon you catch, such as Onix, Charizard, Lapras, and Snorlax. This will allow you to move faster and access some areas that are otherwise unreachable. You can also see other trainers riding on their Pokemon, adding more life and diversity to the game world.

Battling and Trading with Other Players Online or Locally

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is not only a single-player game, but also a multiplayer one. You can battle and trade with other players online or locally, using either a wireless connection or a Nintendo Switch Online subscription (required for online play). You can choose to battle with random players or with your friends, using either a single Joy-Con controller or two controllers for each player. You can also team up with another player in co-op mode, where you can explore the game world together and catch Pokemon together.

Battling in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is similar to the classic turn-based system of the original games, but with some changes. For example, you can see the stats of your opponent's Pokemon, such as their level, health, and status conditions. You can also use Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves, which are special transformations and attacks that can turn the tide of battle. However, you cannot use items during battles, such as potions or revives, so you need to be prepared before entering a fight.

Transferring Pokemon from Pokemon Go and Pokemon Home

If you have played Pokemon Go before, you will be happy to know that you can transfer some of the Pokemon you caught there to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu. This will allow you to complete your Pokedex faster and use some of the rare or shiny Pokemon you have collected in Pokemon Go. However, there are some limitations to this feature. You can only transfer the first 151 Pokemon (plus their Alolan forms) from Pokemon Go to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, and you cannot transfer them back. You also need to have caught the same species of Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu before you can transfer it from Pokemon Go.

If you have played other Pokemon games before, such as Pokemon Sword and Shield or Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you will be able to transfer some of the Pokemon you caught there to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu using , a cloud-based service that lets you store and manage your Pokemon across different games. However, this feature is only available for certain compatible Pokemon, such as Mewtwo, Mew, Melmetal, and some of the legendary birds. You also need to have a paid subscription to use this feature.

Tips and Tricks to Master Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu

Bond with Your Pikachu and Customize Its Appearance

As mentioned earlier, your partner Pikachu is more than just a regular Pokemon. It is your loyal companion and friend who will help you throughout your journey. Therefore, it is important to bond with your Pikachu and make it happy. You can do this by petting it, feeding it berries, playing with it using the Poke Ball Plus accessory (if you have one), and giving it different outfits and accessories that you can find or buy in the game. By doing this, you will increase your Pikachu's affection level, which will make it perform better in battles and unlock new moves and secret techniques.

Understand Candies and How to Use Them to Boost Your Pokemon's Stats

Candies are a new feature in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu that replace the traditional EV (effort value) system of previous games. Candies are items that you can use to increase the stats of your Pokemon, such as HP (hit points), Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defense. You can get candies by catching or transferring Pokemon, or by sending them to Professor Oak. There are different types of candies, such as species-specific candies, stat-specific candies, and rare candies. You can use up to 200 candies per stat per Pokemon, which means you can max out all the stats of your Pokemon if you have enough candies. However, you should be careful not to overuse candies, as they may make the game too easy or boring.

Earn More XP from Catching than Battling

In Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, catching Pokemon is the main way to earn XP (experience points) for your Pokemon, rather than battling them. This is because catching Pokemon gives you more XP than defeating them, especially if you catch them with a good or excellent throw, or with a first throw. You also get bonus XP for catching new Pokemon, catching multiple Pokemon of the same species in a row (catch combo), or catching huge or tiny Pokemon. Therefore, you should catch as many Pokemon as you can, even if you already have them in your Pokedex, as this will help you level up your Pokemon faster and make them stronger.

Prioritize Catching Huge or Tiny Pokemon for Extra Rewards

As you explore the game world, you may notice that some of the Pokemon you encounter are either huge or tiny, indicated by a red or blue aura around them. These Pokemon are not only worth more XP when caught, but also give you extra rewards, such as more candies or better items. For example, catching a huge Pokemon may give you more species-specific candies or rare items like Golden Razz Berries or Golden Pinap Berries. Catching a tiny Pokemon may give you more stat-specific candies or rare items like Silver Razz Berries or Silver Pinap Berries. Therefore, you should prioritize catching these Pokemon whenever you see them, as they will help you boost your Pokemon's stats and make your catching easier.

Wait Around in the Tall Grass and Other Environments for Rare Spawns

Another way to find rare and powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is to wait around in the tall grass and other environments where they may spawn. Unlike in previous games, where you had to walk around randomly and hope for a rare encounter, in this game you can see the Pokemon that appear in the overworld and choose which ones to catch. However, some of the rarest and most sought-after Pokemon may not appear right away, and may require some patience and luck to encounter. For example, some of the legendary birds (Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres) may appear in their respective locations after you have defeated them in their scripted battles. Some of the pseudo-legendary Pokemon (Dragonite, Tyranitar, and Metagross) may appear in certain areas after you have caught a certain number of Pokemon. Some of the starter Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) may appear in various locations after you have caught a certain number of their respective types. Therefore, if you are looking for a specific rare Pokemon, you may want to wait around in the area where they may spawn and keep an eye on the overworld for any signs of them.

Strive for Catch Combos to Find Shiny Pokemon and Better IVs

Catch combos are another new feature in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu that reward you for catching multiple Pokemon of the same species in a row without breaking the streak. Catch combos have several benefits, such as increasing the XP and candy rewards from catching Pokemon, increasing the chance of finding huge or tiny Pokemon, and most importantly, increasing the chance of finding shiny Pokemon and Pokemon with better IVs (individual values). Shiny Pokemon are rare variants of normal Pokemon that have different colors and sparkle when they appear. IVs are hidden values that affect the stats of a Pokemon, ranging from 0 to 31 for each stat. The higher the IVs, the better the stats.

The catch combo mechanic works as follows: every time you catch a Pokemon of the same species in a row, your catch combo increases by one. The catch combo will break if you catch a different species of Pokemon, run away from a wild encounter, turn off your game, or leave the area. The catch combo will not break if a wild Pokemon runs away from you, or if you enter a building or a cave. The catch combo will also not affect the spawn rate of other species of Pokemon, so you can still encounter and catch other Pokemon without breaking your combo. However, you may want to avoid doing so, as it will reduce the chance of finding the Pokemon you are comboing.

The catch combo affects the shiny chance and the IVs of the Pokemon you are comboing as follows: the higher the catch combo, the higher the shiny chance and the IVs. The shiny chance starts at 1 in 4096, which is the base rate for any wild Pokemon. However, it increases as your catch combo increases, up to a maximum of 1 in 273 at a catch combo of 31 or higher. This means that if you have a catch combo of 31 or higher, you have a 1 in 273 chance of finding a shiny Pokemon of that species every time it spawns. You can further increase this chance by using a Lure, which is an item that attracts more wild Pokemon to your location, or by having a Shiny Charm, which is a key item that you can get after completing your Pokedex. A Lure will increase the shiny chance by a factor of 1.5, while a Shiny Charm will increase it by a factor of 3. This means that if you have both a Lure and a Shiny Charm active, and a catch combo of 31 or higher, you have a 1 in 91 chance of finding a shiny Pokemon of that species every time it spawns.

The catch combo also affects the IVs of the Pokemon you are comboing as follows: the higher the catch combo, the more guaranteed perfect IVs (31) the Pokemon will have. The guaranteed perfect IVs start at 0, which means that any wild Pokemon can have any IVs from 0 to 31 for each stat. However, they increase as your catch combo increases, up to a maximum of 4 at a catch combo of 31 or higher. This means that if you have a catch combo of 31 or higher, the Pokemon you catch will have at least 4 perfect IVs out of 6, and the remaining two IVs will be random from 0 to 31. You can check the IVs of your Pokemon by using the Judge function, which is unlocked after catching 30 species of Pokemon and talking to Professor Oak's assistant in one of the gatehouses between routes.

Therefore, if you are looking for shiny Pokemon or Pokemon with better IVs, you should strive for catch combos of 31 or higher, and use Lures and Shiny Charms to increase your chances. However, you should also be patient and persistent, as finding these Pokemon may still take some time and luck.

Talk to Every NPC for Useful Items and Information

Another tip to master Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is to talk to every NPC (non-player character) you encounter in the game. NPCs are the people who populate the game world, such as trainers, shopkeepers, townsfolk, and others. They may give you useful items or information that can help you in your adventure. For example, some NPCs may give you free items such as Poke Balls, Potions, TMs (technical machines), or even rare items like Master Balls or Mega Stones. Some NPCs may also give you hints or tips about where to find certain Pokemon, how to solve puzzles or challenges, or what to do next in your quest. Some NPCs may also challenge you to battles or trades, which can be fun and rewarding.

Therefore, you should talk to every NPC you see and listen to what they have to say. You never know what they might offer or reveal to you.


Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is a great game for both new and old fans of the Pokemon franchise. It offers a nostalgic and refreshing experience that combines elements from the original games and Pokemon Go. It also has many new and exciting features that make it stand out from other Pokemon games. Whether you want to catch them all, battle them all, or just explore them all, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu has something for everyone.

If you want to play this game on your Android device, you can download the Chinese version of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu on Android using an APK file from a reliable site. However, be aware of the risks and limitations involved in doing so. Alternatively, you can play this game on the Switch for the best experience possible.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and how to master it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.


  • Q: How do I get Eevee as my partner instead of Pikachu?

  • A: You need to buy or download , which is a separate version of the game that features Eevee as your partner instead of Pikachu. You can also catch Eevee in the wild in both versions of the game, but you cannot make it your partner.

  • Q: How do I evolve my partner Pikachu or Eevee?

  • A: You cannot evolve your partner Pikachu or Eevee in this game, as they are meant to stay as they are throughout the story. However, you can catch other Pikachu or Eevee in the wild and evolve them using a Thunder Stone or a Fire, Water, or Leaf Stone, respectively. You can also transfer evolved forms of Pikachu or Eevee from Pokemon Go or Pokemon Home.

  • Q: How do I get Mew in this game?

  • A: The only way to get Mew in this game is to buy a Poke Ball Plus accessory, which comes with a Mew inside. You can then transfer the Mew to your game using the Mystery Gift option in the main menu. You can only do this once per Poke Ball Plus, so be careful not to lose or delete your Mew.

  • Q: How do I get the three starter Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) in this game?

  • A: There are three ways to get the three starter Pokemon in this game. One way is to catch them in the wild, which requires you to have caught a certain number of Pokemon of their respective types. For example, you need to have caught 50 Grass-type Pokemon to encounter Bulbasaur in Viridian Forest. Another way is to receive them as gifts from certain NPCs, who will offer them to you if you have caught enough Pokemon in total. For example, you can get Charmander from a man on Route 24 if you have caught 50 Pokemon in total. The third way is to transfer them from Pokemon Go or Pokemon Home.

  • Q: How do I access the post-game content in this game?

  • A: After you have beaten the Elite Four and become the Champion, you can access the post-game content in this game, which includes challenging the Master Trainers, who are experts on one specific Pokemon and will test your skills against theirs; battling Red, Blue, and Green, who are the original protagonists and rivals from the first games; and catching Mewtwo, who is hiding in Cerulean Cave and is one of the most powerful Pokemon in the game.


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